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Banner & Witcoff, Ltd.

71 South Wacker Drive
Suite 3600
Chicago, IL 60606
(312) 463-5000



Windy City-based Banner Witcoff is a top IP boutique that offers a friendly, open-door culture. It also boasts a strong pro bono practice, which has included work on numerous amicus briefs related to novel IP issues. With its reputation as a firm that has helped shape IP law, including through work on groundbreaking Supreme Court cases, the Banner Witcoff name certainly carries a lot of weight in the IP world.

Firm Stats


Total No. Attorneys (2022)

100 - 150


No. of Partners Named (2022)



Featured Rankings

Top 150 Under 150


No. of 1st Year Associates Hired (2022)



No. of Summer Associates (2022)

11 total (8 2Ls; 3 1Ls)


Base Salary

1st year: $205,000

About the Firm

Chicago-based IP boutique firm Banner Witcoff is unique not only for its status as a top firm in its field, but also for its role in shaping IP law by having represented defendants in groundbreaking Supreme Court cases. The firm—which has additional offices in Boston, Portland, and Washington, DC—continues to be involved in developments in its field by representing top companies.

From Crops to Patents and Trademarks

Banner Witcoff’s beginnings date back to 1920. Many of the firm's early clients were farmers and paid for their legal services in crops and produce. The firm’s Chicago office opened in 1937, where the firm began to represent clients like Lenox, Honeywell, and Meredith Publishing. The firm's Washington, DC, office opened in 1960. An office in Boston followed 25 years...

Culture & Inclusion at Banner & Witcoff, Ltd.

"2019 Banner Witcoff Diversity & Inclusion Highlights: May 2019: Banner Witcoff Announced Recipients of Donald W. Banner Diversity Fellowship Banner Witcoff selected four law students as the 2019 recipients of the Donald W. Banner Diversity Fellowship. Created by the firm to strengthen diversity and inclusion in the field of intellectual property law, the fellowship provides recipients with $5,000 for law school tuition or other school-related expenses. The 2019 recipients are: Robert Chou, a..."

Perks & Benefits

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