
Best known for its Value Based Management services, Stern Value Management (SVM) is known for generating superior growth and long-term capital returns for its global client base.
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Vault Verdict
As a small firm with a highly specific niche, SVM is surprisingly well known. Its key metric, Economic Value Added (EVA) is even more famous than the firm itself, and its consultants almost exclusively work with C-level executives for big-time clients. This makes joining SVM highly competitive, but insiders say the effort is worth it.
Employees at SVM love the firm’s international opportunities. They often travel to sites around the world, which provides diverse, global work experience. This means that travel can cut into their personal lives, but the firm mitigates this by providing top-shelf flexibility when its consultants aren’t on the road. They can generally set their own hours and work where they please.
The firm also offers ample room to...
About the Company
Stern Value Management is a top management consulting firm specializing in helping organizations unlock their strategic potential and drive profitable growth. The firm is known for being the value creation partner of choice for leaders and investors that care about long-term sustainable value creation. SVM works closely with executives from various industries and geographies to help them solve their most pressing business needs.
The firm’s experienced team of consultants utilizes a unique blend of industry knowledge, proprietary metrics, and cutting-edge insights to develop and implement tailored strategies for superior performance. Its services encompass all aspects of business operations, including corporate strategy, risk management, operational efficiency, capital allocation, incentive compensation, and sustainability.
...Employee Reviews
- “We have a great firm culture. Everyone is very welcoming. I got a chance to work with senior consultants from the very first day and even participated in client calls in my first week.”
- “We have tons of flexibility. I can adjust my personal schedule to work and vice-versa”
- “We look for people who are self-driven, motivated, and like working for a small, tight-knit firm.”
- “We have a highly motivated staff, keen to explore and investigate new opportunities and methods. Management is very open to actively promote and grow new markets and try new processes.”
Getting Hired Here
- “We have three rounds of interviews, with phone interviews and an in-person session that includes a case and a financial analysis presentation. The firm looks for hard-working individuals, that can learn in an unstructured environment.”
- “There are several rounds of interviews with your future colleagues and supervisors. They are very focused on whether both sides are a good fit for each other.”
- “After an initial interview to get to know the candidate, we hold a couple more interviews with peers and supervisors, then have you present a business case. The callback process is usually done by email. The ideal candidate has good financial skills, knows how to build models and manage information in Excel, has great communication skills, and is not afraid of client interactions.”
- “The process is hands-on and personal. The ideal candidate is a creative problem solver, resourceful, and inquisitive. You should be open to experimenting to find impactful yet simple solutions to complex problems.”