
Slalom Consulting is a global management consultancy focused on strategy, technology, and business transformation. The firm has specialists across industries, but also share ideas, methodologies and knowledge across all our industry teams. In their own words, by "drawing from our collective expertise in everything from retail to life sciences, we offer a wide-angle view on unconventional solutions—because the best approach is rarely the most familiar." Insiders say the company places a strong emphasis on work-life balance; it...
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Vault Verdict
Slalom's local, low-travel, limited hours model is the envy of many of a consultant who finds themselves toiling long into the night in client offices far from home. There's a reason that the firm features so often on lists of top places to work--it's because (duh!) it treat its employees well. If there's any catch (and isn't there always?), it's a lack of scale: serving local clients with local employees is a great way to build a local business. But it's not going to give your resume the kind of polish--and therefore the access to amazing opportunities further down the line--that you'll get elsewhere, even if it means sucking up the frequent flier miles for a while.
About the Company
Founded in Seattle in 2001, Slalom Consulting is a management and strategy IT implementation firm that places a strong emphasis on work-life balance; much of the firm's site is dedicated to this aspect of its approach to doing business, and it is regularly cited on lists of "Best Places to Work" as a result.
Alpine Slalom
While Slalom’s early work was dedicated exclusively to management consulting, over half of its business now comes from its tech operations, and it has been a Microsoft Certified Gold Partner since 2005. Not only does this sought-after denotation add prestige to the Slalom name, but it also sees Microsoft regularly recommend Slalom consultants for implementation of its technology.
The firm has four main se...