
FTI Consulting one of the largest global financial consulting companies. They primarily help organizations manage and mitigate financial, legal, operational, political & regulatory, reputational, and transactional risks. The firm has been an advisor in some of the most headline-grabbing moments in history, including the Bernie Madoff investigation, the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy, the Bush vs. Gore dispute, the Major League Baseball Steroid case, and many more.
Company Stats
Employer Type
2009 Employees (All Locations)
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About the Company
FTI Consulting thrives when times are tough which means that business has been very good recently. The firm mainly focuses on services for companies that are facing trouble, whether economic, legal or regulatory. The firm boasts 15 to 20 percent of the world market share in economic consulting. 16 percent of its revenue currently comes from overseas, with dozens of offices in Europe, Latin America and Asia, and plans to continuing expanding its activities abroad.
There are few industries that FTI won't take on, with clients coming from sectors including automotive, chemicals, retail, pharmaceutical, health care, insurance, real estate, financial services, energy, construction, communications, and media and entertainment. Clients are often big fish- 97 of the top-100 law firms and nine of the top-10 bank holding comp...